FireCAD® Update - October 2022

To get the update, use the 'FireCAD Update Utility' link on the desktop, or the 'Check For Updates' command from within the program in the drop-down menu under “File” on the FireCAD Tools ribbon.


Installation Instructions

Please download the update for the appropriately licensed version(s) of your software.
Close any running instances of AutoCAD, FireCAD, and the Cadgen Database Utility.

Run the installer and follow the prompts to install the updates.


Known Issues



New Features (10/13/22)

New Searchable Circuit Palette List


Any combination of circuit properties like panel or circuit name, nominal voltage, or circuit type will filter the available circuits list where you can select the circuit you want to work with.

To close the drop down, pick a circuit row or click the drop down arrow. 


Major Calculation and Preview Speed Enhancements (10/13/22)

The calculations engine has been updated. Since these calculations normally update after connecting devices, this update should help make all aspects of FireCAD more responsive, especially on large projects.


PTP and Lump Sum previews can be turned on/off separately (10/13/22)


If you are not using either Lump Sum or PTP calc methods, you can turn these off independently in the circuit preview. This will save even more processing time when connecting circuits. You can still generate voltage drop reports even with these turned off, as they only affect the Circuit Summary while connecting. 


Riser 'Ignore Labels On Segement Layout Option' Added (10/13/22)


This option will ignore text labels when drawing segments on the riser, instead of avoiding labels. Before the August update, this was the default segment layout style.


Bug Fixes (10/13/22)

• Auto Draw Wirepath 'REUSE' Option - The REUSE keyword has been fixed and will now reuse existing wirepaths instead of deleting them.

• Riser Module Placement  - On the riser, device placement has been adjusted to directly above/below the origin device if possible, instead of diagonally.   


New Features (9/2/22)

Metric Drawing Setup

Metric drawing setup has been simplified. To use a metric drawing with FireCAD follow these steps-


1. Verify the drawing unit measurement using the DWGUNITS command. This example shows Meters as the default drawing unit measurement-



2. Once the drawing units have been verified, use the FireCAD Options Editor for the project to set the Drawing Units to the matching selection. All FireCAD database values and options entered in feet or inches are automatically converted the to selected Drawing Units-



New Riser Layout Options



• Automatically Branch Vertical Circuits - This setting will add a riser line to the first device on each level of a circuit if the circuit moves vertically through mutliple elevations. This does not override or replace connections made with 'Branch' feature.

Example with option turned off (no branches)-


Example with automatic branching turned on-



• Combine Multiple Circuits/Ignore Connection Sequence - With both of these options turned on, multiple lines between devices are collapsed into one single line with combined wirefill. The secondary circuit connection sequence is ignored. This can make a complicated riser with dual circuit devices look much cleaner and easier to read.

Example with options turned off (out of sequence dual circuit devices shown)-


Example with both options enabled-



• Show Circuit Quantity - Turns off circuit count on segments, for example '1S,2V' would be shown as 'S,V' when the riser is created.

• Minimum Device Spacing - Sets the vertical and horizontal minimum distance between devices. By default the device labels will increase this spacing as needed.

• Ignore Labels - Allows the riser to ignore labels when spacing devices and routing segments. Labels may overlap and Minimum Device Spacing can be used to manually set the correct spacing desired. This results in a more evenly spaced riser.

• Minimum Segment Length - Sets a minimum length for all segments.

• Minimum Length Beween Segment - Sets the minimum distance between to parallel segments.

• Line Type Label Height - Sets the wirefill label height on the segments.

• Segment Fillet Radius - Sets the fillet radius on all riser segment bends.

• Row & Column Padding - Adds spacing around each level/column.


New Device Palette Options


• Apply Dimscale - This option uses the Dimscale drawing variable as an auxiliary scale when devices are placed on the drawing.

• Label Height Apply Button - The Apply button can be used to resize the device label heights after the unit value is changed to the desired value.


Command Enhancements

• Reset Attribute Locations - This command has been enhanced to move device attributes on a selection of devices to 8 optional locations. A new keyword selection has been added to pick a location.

To use the updated command, select all devices to change and use the menu command below-


Pick the desired attibute location from the dynamic input or command line, then all selected device attributes will move and align to the new location around each device.


• Level Attributes- This command has been updated to rotate device attributes on a selection of devices to any angle. A new keyword selection has been added to set the new angle.

To use the updated command, select all devices to change and use the menu command below-


Set the desired attibute rotation from the dynamic input or command line, then all selected device attributes will rotate around the attribute alignment point.



New Commands

atexport_device_inspection_form (command line ony) - Exports an Excel workbook with all devices listed with pass/fail columns and basic information from the device schedule. 


Bug Fixes

• Exploding Report Tables (9/2/22) - Issues with text heights changing when exploding report tables has been fixed.

Insert On Branch - Inserting a device on a circuit branch has now been fixed. Devices will be added to the branch in sequence.

• Select Circuit Path - The Select Circuit Path button on the connection palette will now select and highlight any segments where wirefill exists for the current circuit.

• Use True Color For Device Layers - This option has been corrected, when enabled will create device layers with true colors. Disable this to use the nearest index color.

• Update All Wire Labels - Creating linetypes on shorter segments has been udpated. Linetypes are adjusted to fit along most segments, resulting in fewer mleader type wirelabels and missing segment linetypes.


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