Changing Wire Type Used by a Circuit/Creating a New Wire Type

In this example our NAC circuit is using #14/2 FPLP/R cable.

We want to change that to use a pair of #14 THHN single conductors.

Ordinarily, we would simply choose a different wire type for this circuit, but the .atp file or the CADGEN master database does not offer #14 THHN single conductors.


Fortunately, we can create a new type of wire/cable and add it to the .atp file for use in this project. The following steps will show you how to do that.

First, launch the Project Device Editor.



Before adding a new wire/cable type we need to know the specifications. They are shown below.

*Please note that FireCAD uses at least two conductors for a circuit in most cases.

We will be adding a pair of #14 THHN single conductors.



In the Project Device Editor, choose the Cables tab.6.PNG

On the Cables tab select the "Add Cables" button in the lower right corner.


A new row appears at the top with "New Cable" as a part number.


Now we begin filling in the details for the new wire/cable. First we choose the manufacturer. In this case, "Generic" already exists in the manufacturer table.

If the manufacturer we wish to use is not in the database we will have to add it using the "Manufacturers" tab.


Now we carefully enter the information in each of the cells.

  • The "Label" cell is the text which will appear on the wirepath labels and in your Cable and Wire Legend.
  • The "Part Number" is whatever you wish it to be.
  • The "Model" is optional.
  • The "AWG" is the gauge of the wire taken from the specifications (shown above).
  • The "Resistance Mft" is also found in the specifications. This is a critical value as it is used in FireCAD's voltage drop calculations.
  • The "Capacitance Pf Ft" is not currently used in any calculations but may be entered if known.
  • The "Conductors" is set to 1 for a pair of individual conductors or for a single cable as it is used in FireCAD's conduit fill calculations.
  • The "Nominal OD" in this case is two times the value from the specifications for a single conductor. This is a critical value as it is used in FireCAD's conduit fill calculations.
  • The "Description" is whatever you want it to be.


When all your information is entered, save your changes.


Exit the Project Device Editor.


Confirm that you wish to save changes if you are asked.


Now that we have saved the new wire/cable in our project database we will have it available to use for a circuit.

Launch the Project Circuits Editor.

  • Note that the Project Circuits Editor will only affect circuits that are part of panels already placed in the current project.
  • If you wish to change the cables used by all panels not yet placed in the current project, you must make similar changes using the Project Device Editor.


Filter or otherwise find and select the circuit for which you wish to use the new cable.

Select the circuit.

Notice that circuit N2 is using a 14/2 FPLP/R cable. We wish to change that.


By clicking in the cell we reveal the drop-down list of available conductors we can select.

In this case we select the "TH" label which is the new THHN pair we added.


We now select the "Apply" button to save our changes.


Now we update all wire labels as shown below.


The result is that the wire label changes from "V" to "TH". As the Cable and Wire Legend is not dynamic, we will have to generate a new one as shown in the next step.


This is a view of the new Cable and Wire Legend shown below the previous one.




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