Add an SLC Expander card to a panel

We get questions regarding adding an slc expander card to a panel.

First, a few definitions:

  • A panel is typically an Assembly in FireCAD's terminology.
  • Circuits do not usually originate from an assembly but from a card within the assembly.

In this example, we are using a Silent Knight 6820 panel with SK protocol.

Step 1

Create a project and then when it is open and a drawing is added, place the panel on the drawing.


Step 2

From the FireCAD ribbon, choose the Assembly Editor


Step 3

When the assembly editor opens, select "add component"


Step 4

A list of available components appears. You can use the full text search to narrow your selection down.

Then select "Add Devices".


Step 5

In this example we added the Node/Card name to help us identify the circuit later. Select "Apply".


Step 6

Your available circuits now include M33 from the main board and M01 from the expander card.



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