FireCAD® Beta Update - March 2021

Posted Date 3/1/2021


Download Information:

To get the update, please email and send the first 5 characters of your license so we can send you the correct beta version update link.

Send any questions or issues you have to the email address above.


Installation Instructions:

Download the installation file when you receive the link.
Close any running instances of AutoCAD, FireCAD and/or the Cadgen Database Utility.

Run the installer and follow the prompts to install the updates.


Known Issues:

  • FireCAD ribbon menu may disappear or be reorganized after updating AutoCAD OEM based builds.
    • Solution

Type ‘MENU’ at the command line and press ‘Enter’. A dialog will open where you can select the default .cuix menu file.


Depending on your program version, you should select ‘cgfcad.cuix’, ‘cgfcad18.cuix’, ‘cgfcad19.cuix’ or ‘cgfcad21.cuix’ and then click ‘Open’. The ribbon and menu will reset to the default.



New Features:

  • New validation required 'question mark' status icon for devices. This occurs immediately when copying devices.


The attribute of copied devices immediately changes to '(needs validation)' with the icon.
These devices will not be connectable or show up on the legend until you click ‘Validate Devices’ on the validation ribbon panel.

Upon validating, copied devices are updated with their previous circuit settings, entity properties, and any assembly parts. Connections are not copied.


  • New 'atproperties' command and dialog. This will allow you to set device properties in the program without going into the previous commands like Set Entity Properties, etc... Just make a device selection and run 'atproperties'. This was designed to emulate the AutoCAD properties dialog.

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There are 4 standard properties in the device property dialog. Building, Floor, Location and Subscript. Building, floor and location are all included in the device schedule and do not have to be visible to be included in the report.

You can also set Riser Elevation and Riser Column for the selected devices.

  • New 'atset_active_circuit_from_device' command has been added to the Circuits ribbon panel. This will prompt you to select a device on the drawing and will then make its circuit active in the Circuit Palette. This will work with panels, modules and even peripheral devices like speaker strobes to quickly identify and select a circuit to work with.

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  • New 'atrelocate_circuit' command has been added to relocate an entire connected circuit to a different panel. The destination circuit must be compatible with the devices to be relocated. In the new Relocate Circuit dialog Select a circuit to relocate, then select a compatible empty circuit to relocate the devices to.



  • New ‘Generate Line Types For Wirefill’ option has been added to display all wirefill in automatically created linetypes instead of separate labels. This option is turned on by default and will also be used when generating risers. All conduit fills will still be shown in labels, as this information does not fit in linetypes.


Options have been added to control the distance between labels on the linetype, and the size of the label is controlled by the wirepath label text height option.

The size of the linetype label is not affected by LTSCALE and the linetypes will always scale to the option settings. It is recommended to select each viewport and set PSLTSCALE to 0. This will make the viewports show linetypes exactly how they are represented in modelspace.

  • New branch circuit feature has been implemented. You can now branch any circuit, which will allow you to specify a device or even the panel to branch from. This allows t-tapping at specific points on the circuit. Wirefill will reflect the branch, and circuit length between devices will be measured from the branch point on the circuit. This can be used on any circuit but is intended for IDNac and SLC circuits where this is allowed.

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Branches are drawn as connected when using the ‘Draw Circuit Wirepath Segments’ and ‘Draw Shared Wirepath Segments’ commands.


Branches are drawn as connected when generating a riser if the ‘Show Branch Circuit Connections’ option is selected in the Riser Options dialog.



New command names for features above:

  • atproperties
  • atrelocate_circuit
  • atset_active_circuit_from_device



  • Delay when switching drawing has been resolved.
  • Validation speed has been improved.
  • Device attributes cannot be edited, the attribute value reverts immediately if changed.
  • New devices placed in the drawing cannot be exploded. Existing drawing devices will still be explodable.
  • FireCAD palette will now retain location when restarting the program.
  • Offline licensing activation has now been added.
  • The ‘Draw Circuit Wirepath Segments’ and ‘Draw Shared Wirepath Segments’ commands will now allow you to reuse existing segments. You are presented with a choice to reuse or delete existing lines.


  • All wirepath draw commands also apply the polyline fillet radius setting, including the riser.


  • The Input Circuit Selections dialog now includes the ability to set assembly cards and module circuits. Notice the assembly parts below are marked after the selection group. In addition, information has been streamlined and an optional Description grouping has been added.


  • New panel/circuit selection option dialog and disclaimer has been added when creating all reports. Individual or custom circuit selections can be used to generate a specific set of reports.


  • New precision options for Current, Length, Watts and Voltage values have been added to the Options Editor. All reports will generate using the selected precision settings when displaying the type of value.



  • Commands on the ‘Attributes’ ribbon panel have been streamlined. These have been renamed for the purpose of exporting and importing title block attributes.


  • New riser enhancements-
      • The ‘Automatically Assign Columns’ riser setting has been updated for a convenient way to separate control equipment into left, middle, center depending on the chosen direction for each circuit type. Previously this created too many columns. It is recommended to manually set riser elevations when there are separate floors in the project, and make sure this riser settings dialog option is checked. If custom columns are required, then you can assign devices to riser columns manually and un-check this option.



      • A new layout algorithm selection has been added to the Riser Settings dialog. Slightly different wrapping is used in the new ‘Hierarchical’ algorithm. The original ‘Tree’ algorithm can be used to match the previous version.


      • If the new ‘Generate Line Types For Wirefill’ option is checked, the riser will use line types to display wirefill instead of labels.


      • Polyline fillet options are now applied to the riser.
      • Branch circuit connections can be optionally shown on the riser.
      • In addition, improvements have been made to line up wrapped circuits vertically.



  • Unhandled exception when using the draw wirepath segment commands has been fixed.


For support, please email

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